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Does people tease you because your style of life?

14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #20729 by Serpenvicis
Envy wrote:

Serpenvicis wrote:

That's true. But sometimes even that is hard.

The skill of pretending to be fine with everything comes with time and experience.

Sadly, by the time we're out working in the world, we'll probably all be experts at it. :huh:

Yes, but then will people who are now teasing be more mature and stop teasing.

Wanting to be like someone else, we forget who we really are.
Last edit: 14 years 9 months ago by Serpenvicis.

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14 years 9 months ago #20761 by Hagazussa
I was bullied at school, but not for how I dress. But when an adult I do not think I one time have gotten a negative comment for being a goth. Sure sometimes pepole will ask if I am dressed for Halloween or something like that, but that is not negative comments, that is just pepole being curious. But most pepole around here know what Goth is and do not bother pepole who dress like this. My mother however who is into color healing want me to wear more color.

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14 years 9 months ago #20834 by scootiebee
I just turned 36, and my mother is finally getting the idea that I prefer dark things to what she likes. She is still trying to dress me in hot pink tank tops and flowered skirts. ugh. She lives in Key Largo, where everyone dresses like they are going to the beach all the time. She just doesn't get it, but she is trying. So it might take a while for parents to understand, but eventually they will try. She got me an awesome bracelet for my birthday, that matches some earrings she got me last year, with little skulls all over them. Very nice, since it is solid silver, too.

Don't worry, eventually it will all seem irrelevant, when you grow confident enough in yourself.

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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14 years 9 months ago #20848 by Envy
Serpenvicis wrote:

Envy wrote:

Serpenvicis wrote:

That's true. But sometimes even that is hard.

The skill of pretending to be fine with everything comes with time and experience.

Sadly, by the time we're out working in the world, we'll probably all be experts at it. :huh:

Yes, but then will people who are now teasing be more mature and stop teasing.

Ah you will be surprised. Over here, some people will mature, however, there's always a group that will pick at you for whatever they can and when you're in the working world, people from all sorts of groups generally have to work together if you're in a company, shop or office etc. There will always be someone who left school early and is therefore less educated whom you will probably have to work with at some point in life, whether they're a cleaner, receptionist or whatever, you'd be surprised at how immature some people at work can be.

After working/having work experience in several professional firms, I can pretty much tell you that in England, you can't avoid workplace bitching no matter where you are, in a shop or in a professional firm. Even some well-educated people can be extremely narrowminded. I presume it's similar elsewhere in the world.

Just got to learn to ignore idiots and accept that not everyone will become cognitively mature.

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14 years 9 months ago #20852 by CorpseQueen
It's probably because I'm not out that often, but I rarely run into someone that doesn't like my apperance and tell me about it. But I know several times when I just smiled and said things like 'thanks' or something else that would be very confusing, as I didn't really get what they where getting at untill much later... a good defence in any way ;)

I always tend to be very polite and such around people tho, feeling like I have to prove myself a bit more then the usuall. Most is just common sense that normal people tend to have forgotten all about, but I like to do it and it makes me look good.

I actually got my current job that way. They told me, after they'd hired me, that the others they called where very rude and didn't seem interested at all in the job - me, I was very polite, awake when they called (like 10am) and was sincerly interested in the job. The obvoius choise, even tho I was wearing my leather-skirt... which they've only talked good about, btw.

My beauty is not the shape of the body,
but the voices in you mind;
the thoughts you can't live without

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14 years 9 months ago #20862 by Envy
Ah, I remember when my wardrobe first started to change and I was beginning to become independent from my parents..They used to joke about my selection of clothing.

My dad still often calls me a 'Victorian' due to the types of dresses, skirts and blouses I have...My mother didn't approve of my skirt-choices either, back then.

I think they're used to it now, though, haha. I know my mother has a soft-spot for Victorian dresses. My father's just given up on me really. As long as I get good grades, he'll just keep his thoughts to himself - Most of the time.

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