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hard to be

15 years 5 months ago #2013 by morphea3107
no ...i'm not in england right week i'm heading to worcester for uni... but my country is romania . :)

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15 years 5 months ago #2015 by knumpcy
It is still frowned upon here(Nashville,TN) but you can for the most part dress as you will,though the heat here during the summer and such deteres heavy dress except during Club night. To include Nashville is the buckle and belt for the religious headquarters in the US.

I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity

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15 years 5 months ago #2038 by CorpseQueen
Just want to say I'm not emo. Out here they're more ridiculed then any other group, and all that dress in black (and aren't skinnheads) are called emo. Even by their own, sometimes. I don't like it, but what can I do.

I dress in black all times, got some grey pieces tho... and mostly, I wear things that people will turn an eye to. Mostly guys... almost only guys. Well, it feels weird wearing something that doesn't have a cleavage and I like skirts, but only have one that end under my knees.

How people react to me, I don't really know. Have one friend who always point out all guys (or girls) that stare at me or alike, and how and why they do it, and I believe it's mostly fun. But else, I've been to a school that's known for being a meeting-point for all that are a bit different. There I was just normal :silly:

Then I got to this new school... and now I think I know how the rest of the world looks like. I'm used to seeing extreme (really extreme) people of all kinds all day, and now, in a regular school, with only regular people... I just miss my old surroundings.

Usually I don't pay much attention to my surroundings, and what people say to me usually aren't bad... depending on you sight of view. Had a guy, the age of my father or more, vispering \"good-looking\" as he passed. I don't take it as an insult. But being mostly at home may be part of me not getting as much attention... tho I see people stare at me even more (or do I just notice them then?) when I look like I just got out of bed.

My beauty is not the shape of the body,
but the voices in you mind;
the thoughts you can't live without

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15 years 5 months ago #2048 by janelle hell
I'm not really gothic; I guess if someone were to look at me they'd classify me more as \"punk/deathrock\" (currently my hair is blue and green, short & spiky, kind of like a Sid Vicious hairstyle; I wear clothes I make myself or find at the thrift store, usually short dresses and skirts or \"bondage pants\", boots, lots of spiky jewelry & jewelry with skulls/skeletons, old rosaries (worn as necklaces) and a leather jacket covered in silver star shaped studs. I also have alot of tattoos.) than \"gothic\". I'm from Los Angeles, CA, and 99% of the time no one says anything crappy/hateful to me. Currently I live in Arizona (long story...), and I hear alot more ignorant crap (generally involving my perceived sexual orientation, and my percieved religious affiliation) than I heard in California. Oh well...I'm 32 now, and this has been my \"thing\" since I was about 13, it's not like a few people's stupid comments are going to make me change, lol.

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15 years 5 months ago #2051 by Thurysaz
Sisters & Brothes members of The Order Of Algoth,

Thank you so much for all of your responses.

Mes hommages.


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15 years 5 months ago #2082 by cemwerewolf
I find it's a lot of fun watching people's reactions to my attire. Children are absolutely delighted by it especially when I wear my tricorn hat because they think I'm a pirate. The parents of the young ones are usually absolutely mortified because their child generally yells \" Look a pirate!\" At the top of their lungs. Most reactions range from shock to interest to apprehension. Oddly enough though, most of the positive comments I get are from older ladies. I think it might have something to do with the fact that a lot of my clothing hearkens back to another era. All I know is I'm an absolute hit with all the ladies at my grandmother's condo complex.

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