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I think it makes them more cute and Unusual.
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*Highfive back* I prefer more like Gary Oldman in Dracula or Tuomas Holopainen from Nightwish.
But some guys I just wish they cut the long hair and wore it short. One thing is a guy who looks totally hot with long hair and another thing it's when they look like some *insert derogatory adjective here* imbecile.
edit: A guy can be hot and have long hair that makes him even hotterbut if that hair is splintered half the length or generally not cared after that guy gets a red card with me. I unfortunately have a couple of friends that just can't use a conditioner! Curse them! I feel their hairs pain!
Haha. I understand completely!

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- SkieShauphen
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- black_magnolia
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I have Aragorn's hair from LOTR. Does that mean I'm shmexy?
lol I'll give your ego some credit and say: yes, you are \"shmexy\".

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- cemwerewolf
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And I like men with long hair too!
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Soooo, I have pretty long hair too, it's down to my waist and I've been dying it for some years now. I think I first started dying my hair when I was 15 and I've been through every color in the rainbow, but I prefer it red. I love to see girls with very long red hair, actually I think girls look way better with long hair. I intend growing mine until it reaches the back of my knees. As for hairstyles, I do expermiment but I mostly wear it freely. The bad part about long hair is that too much shampoo and way too much conditioner is required, I use a whole bottle of conditioner everytime I wash my hair.
I used to have short hair and if I'll ever cut it short at a certain moment, know just the hairstyle I love for short hair, a v-cut and a v-cut fringe. I had a fringe too, v-shaped but got tired of taking care of it so I let that long also.
And about guys: a long while I did't even look at a guy who did not have long hair. (I know, very shallow of me!) but aestethically I think long hair for both genders works best, but there are some men who look better with short or shaven hair. My boyfriend has very short hair and I adore it!
I think there was a popular Romanian song that went something like \"the lenght of my hair doesn't mater, but the way I think does\". It came as a response to people's prejudices about gys with long hair many, many years ago.
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