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Tattoos, piercings, body art...

15 years 4 months ago #4542 by TheAlcherealist
Don't have one (yet), still designing it.
But i'm designing a lot of tattoos for others right now ^_^

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15 years 4 months ago #4562 by scootiebee
11 piercings in my ears, and 3 tattoos, but I am getting another one soon (meeting with the artist for the second time tomorrow to see the design, if good, maybe tomorrow I will get it).

The ones I have are all on my back, two smaller ones (smaller than my hand), a celtic knot for my family on my right shoulder, and a celtic dragon (my daughter was born in the year of the Dragon, and she insists she is a dragon) on my left shoulder. The large tattoo on my back (the size of a large dinner plate) is a horseshoe with three horses walking around in a circle inside it, all in celtic knots.

The new tattoo is a vampire skull nestled in roses. I will let you know how it comes out.

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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15 years 4 months ago #4564 by cemwerewolf
I only have one piercing in each ear. I've never really been too much a fan of piercing.

I currently have four tattoos, each designed either by myself or a friend :
1. A fiery horse on the back of my right shoulder - this is the logo for the website that I've been a part of for 10 years and have run for about half that time
2. Celtic knotwork on my lower back - it's made up of two triquetra's forming an hourglass shape. One represents mind, body and spirit. The other is growth, wisdom and strength
3. A tribal dragonfly on the top of my left foot - this commemorates the first camping trip I took with my best friend. It has images from the trip worked into it.
4. A young mouse asleep on the front of my left shoulder - This I got in memory of the first darling mouse I had.

I still plan on getting a number of tattoos yet including an image inspired by the nursery rhyme hickory dickory dock, a hummingbird, a rather large dragon, my family coat of arms, a wolf and a cooking inspired version of the jolly rogers.

As for branding . . . the only brands I have are involuntary.:)

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15 years 4 months ago - 13 years 9 months ago #4567 by natwilaniwartri
i have 2 tattoos on my left arm

the frist one is a small dragon witch i got when i was 19

the other one below it is the symbol of band called ALBANNACH got that this year for my birthday

piercings one on each ear the ones in the picture are (AE-111 AND AE-114) there both made from wood even the pins

Last edit: 13 years 9 months ago by black_magnolia. Reason: edted images to work

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15 years 4 months ago #4568 by janelle hell
natwilaniwartri, those are some very nice earrings!

So far, I have 11 tattoos. 3 on my ankles, 3 on my chest, one on my upper arm, and 3 on my back (the one on my lower back is a picture of the Alchemy pendant, \"The Dark Kiss\"). I designed most of my tattoos. The ones that mean the most to me are the 2 old-school style bluebirds on my chest; they're the same design & placement of tattoos that my grandfather got when he was in WWII.

I used to have alot of piercings, but now I just have my ears & nipples pierced. Strangely enough, out of all the piercings I've ever had, my ears hurt the worst & took the longest time to heal!

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15 years 4 months ago #4574 by natwilaniwartri
janelle hell wrote:

natwilaniwartri, those are some very nice earrings!

So far, I have 11 tattoos. 3 on my ankles, 3 on my chest, one on my upper arm, and 3 on my back (the one on my lower back is a picture of the Alchemy pendant, \"The Dark Kiss\"). I designed most of my tattoos. The ones that mean the most to me are the 2 old-school style bluebirds on my chest; they're the same design & placement of tattoos that my grandfather got when he was in WWII.

I used to have alot of piercings, but now I just have my ears & nipples pierced. Strangely enough, out of all the piercings I've ever had, my ears hurt the worst & took the longest time to heal!

thanks loved earrings

there first ones and i was amazed that it pain full , the guy hadent done them ones before so like had to like twist them in with out braking them and in one go by hand and there healed fast within week or so

now the albannach tatttoo there isent many poeple that have them probably only only 10 or less in the hole world and it was my cousin from band albannach that reawakened my heart and soul fore ever changing me and i love the primal nature of the music it just gets ya going to let loos

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