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What is the scariest dream/event you've ever had?

10 years 7 months ago #39656 by Dreagan Shayde
Ok I know I'm still a bit of a noob at this, but I am truly curious. What is the scariest dream/event you've ever experienced in your life? It can be anything, from being mugged or seeing a ghost or even running out of Nutella :laugh: so whatever it is, please share it with us :)

Deep in the earth my love is lying, and I must weep alone.

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10 years 7 months ago #39657 by black_magnolia
Ugh... The scariest dream I ever had was being attacked by a huge pack of feral demonic cats. I had the dream a couple of times, and thankfully not any more. I'm usually a lucid dreamer, but that one was one of the rare ones I couldn't handle...

Real life events... Hmm... I was scared for my grandma when she got hospitalized, because I was scared she would die (which she unfortunately did). I was also scared for myself when I was hospitalized because I feared they'd have to do surgery and in the worst case take out one of my ovaries and that my chances of having kids in the future, if I decided so one day, would be much slimmer. (Had a huge cyst (which wasn't there two months ago, so it grew all of a sudden) wrapped around it and I was in a lot of pain, but the medication fortunately helped and it shrunk down enough so they let me home, still have to keep checking on it as it didn't go away fully last time I had a check-up, but I'm feeling pretty great now :) ).

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

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10 years 7 months ago #39661 by Dreagan Shayde
Damn sorry about your grandmother.. I know it's not easy losing a loved one. The scariest thing that ever happened to me was when my girlfriend tried and almost succeeded in committing suicide. I also have very lucid dreams but I never remember them the next morning :P I can only recall small bits and pieces that never really make sense. And good luck with that cyst. Hopefully it gets better soon, right? :P

Deep in the earth my love is lying, and I must weep alone.

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10 years 7 months ago #39662 by black_magnolia
Thanks, Shayde... Yeah, losing loved ones is never easy. After my gran, I had another 3 deaths in the family in quite a short succession, so I had quite some emotional stuff to handle. All the grief kicked me into a bad depression, so I'm not a stranger to suicidal thought either, fortunately I never literally tried anything... Only have my friends to thank for that.

Hope your girlfriend is doing and feeling better. If I may give some advice, if for some reason she doesn't want or can't get professional help, just talk with her, about anything really. I think professional help is the easiest and fastest way to recovery, unfortunately I couldn't go that way for various reasons, but having a couple really good friends with whom I could talk really helped - it took probably longer to work things out, especially when you don't really have a clue and there is a load of suppressed stuff blocking recovery (everyone has some baggage), but with time things surface and you can work things out.

yeah, I got to stress it: professional help is best! (Only real reason I didn't get any was because my family doctor laughed at me when I asked about a psychiatrist, and told me that I didn't need one, just to ask me if I wanted to see one two years later, when she finally saw how my health deteriorated in the mean time, but at that point I was starting to feel better and frankly, I was so pissed off when she suggested it, having in mind how she didn't take me seriously when I asked her myself. Couldn't afford to pay sessions out of my own pocket, and my family wasn't really supportive in that regard either, they didn't take me seriously either.)

oh, yeah, thanks :silly: I'm going to be fine. :) I'm pretty sure they won't find any cyst left over on my next check-up. I've been doing pretty great in the last time, I don't really worry about it any more and focus more on my day to day work and taking care of myself. :)

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

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10 years 7 months ago #39664 by Dreagan Shayde
That's great! And thanks for the tip, I'll talk to my girlfriend about it. :) I also know how you feel with the unsupportive family. I am the only real english one in the family as well as the only goth, and these South Africans can get quite rough about it. Especially my family. They don't really understand my subculture, so it's hard for me to get along with them. I don't really have someone to talk to about my interests, so I was in quite a good mood after discovering this community. It was literally a life saver to me :P

Deep in the earth my love is lying, and I must weep alone.

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10 years 7 months ago #39678 by black_magnolia
Ah, you can't choose your family, you just have to figure out how to handle them. I can't say that I completely figured out mine yet, but I have a pretty good idea... basically, I am slowly accepting that, even though I have a reasonably good relationship with some of them, I can't expect them to grow and expand their horizons any more, so I'm just giving up and not bothering any more that much. Yeah, I still love them and I still show it to them as much as I feel like it, but I rather spend my time with my friends - my chosen family.

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

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