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What entices you to the gothic world?

14 years 5 months ago #25283 by Paul
For me the magnetism seems to be:

That style of music.
The dark and very attractive clothing and accessory designs.
Interesting historical literature and architecture.
Certain films.
The artistic dark beauty of the gothic female.

When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

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14 years 5 months ago #25301 by Envy
That's an interesting explanation you've given.

For me..Something similar I guess.

The music would be one point..Literature has a huge influence, along with my obsession over the Victorian/Edwardian era..Which might not even be relevant..Hmm. I shall assume it is relevant!

I guess that my interests would include gothic and Victorian architecture. My father's an architect so he understands the beauty I see. We also own a fair few properties which were built in the Victorian era and therefore have wonderful interior structures. My father ruined our house though (in my eyes). Ours was built in the Victorian era and has the typical Victorian interior structure, however, he made the interior design all 'modern'. Ick. I preferred how it was before his modifications. The high ceiling seems even higher when the walls are all white..Although it does give a nice sense of cleanliness and space/light I guess..

I adore Victorian clothing..That in turn led me to gothic lolita/elegant gothic lolita clothing. In my eyes, lolita clothing appears to be a lot more detailed than the stuff you find in English alternative stores..Also suits my body shape a lot better, as I'm Asian and loli clothing is generally in Asian sizes.

Corsetry is another - I love the warmth and the squeezed-in feeling a corset gives. :P They give you a wonderful shape too, although overbust corsets don't work so well with me personally, regarding shape. :S

Films never really drew me towards gothic inclination. I was never allowed to watch anything remotely gothic until recently. I never had a TV in my room, so anything I watched was on the family TV, and of course, that would mean 'family friendly' films only. These days, I find 'gothic' films are a nice way to see other clothing/garden/household designs and looks that can be created..I can't tell you how many times I've annoyed people by pausing DVDs to gawp at boots, corsets or outfits in general. :woohoo:

I'm actually not particularly attracted to the typical gothic male! However, the traits I adore often lead me in that direction anyway. Pale skin, dark long hair and dark eyes with very slender bodies..Yup. The eye I have, along with my personal interests, often throws me in the paths of gothic males.

..Whew. What an essay.

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14 years 5 months ago - 14 years 5 months ago #25302 by black_magnolia
hmmm... I would rather say that my interests and likes put together can go under the gothic label, so there really wasn't something specific that draw me to the \"gothic world\".
I first liked that kind of literature, architecture, music, imaginary, art etc. before I was even aware you could stick the word gothic to it. You could say I was a goth even before I started to see myself as one. :woohoo:

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
Last edit: 14 years 5 months ago by black_magnolia.

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14 years 5 months ago #25303 by Daruma
I came in the \"Gothic world\" thanks to my man, Thurysaz.

Before him, I had no real style but I was rather \"Grunge with strong trends Punk\".

In fact, I do not put myself in value because I did not dare ...

Thanks to him I discovered a marvelous world. Beautiful clothes, beautiful jewelry (I'm a fan of Alchemy!) A really good atmosphere in the evenings! Culture and cultivated people. Respect! A Family!

And a fun way to dress(One way of dressing that does not ask to be rich to stand out, but have good ideas.

A good way to live. Live differently. A better life.

I thrive in this world with this wonderful man.

In a \"word\": In Goth We Trust (forever)
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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14 years 5 months ago #25306 by Envy
black_magnolia wrote:

hmmm... I would rather say that my interests and likes put together can go under the gothic label, so there really wasn't something specific that draw me to the \"gothic world\".
I first liked that kind of literature, architecture, music, imaginary, art etc. before I was even aware you could stick a the word gothic to it. You could say I was a goth even before I started to see myself as one. :woohoo:

:P I think that's true for a lot of people.

I would agree that that is basically how I was led towards 'the gothic'. Just interests in general will lead you there, particularly if you're an arts-based person as opposed to science-based, from what I've experienced.

Appreciation for intricate detail seems to be a very common trait for those who are more gothically inclined..Random thought, but I decided I'd mention it for good measure. :woohoo:

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14 years 5 months ago #25309 by Morgana
Hmm, this is kind of a tough question to answer, actually... it's hard to really put a finger on it, and express in words.

But for me, I would have to say it's the jewellery, especially anything by Alchemy, as well as the typical colours of the clothing. I wouldn't really call myself a goth though (more of a rocker-chick look), but I do have the natural colouring for it... very pale skin, and I wear dark lipstick and eyeshadow, and dark coloured clothing (black, purple, blue, red, etc.)

I like most of the books and movies that are typically associated with goth, but I'm not such a fan of the music. I tend to listen more to hard rock and heavy metal.

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