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A Sheep in Werewolf's Clothing . . .

15 years 4 months ago #5392 by cemwerewolf
Hello all!

My real name is Carla. I am 24 (nearly 25) and hail from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan which is in south central Canada. I live there with my husband of two and a half years, two cockatiels, many fish, a cat, a mouse, a snake, many critters who regularly wander by our place and a couple of ghosts.

Professionally I am a chef in a hotel. In my spare time though, I am struggling to get a career in writing off the ground, working on several paintings which I'll be selling at a pagan festival next year, and providing artwork for a business a friend has created for making hand bound journals. I also enjoy reading books and watching movies and have both an extensive reading library and DVD library.

On top of all this, I am a firm supporter of my local goth shop, Gothical. You'll find me there at least once a week. Sometimes I even pitch in and work a shift or two behind the counter (It's quite an experience to be on the other side).

I've been collecting Alchemy Gothic gear since Gothical opened up over two years ago but have been a fan for many more years than that. I was ever so excited when I found this community. I'm generally a fairly shy and reserved person but here I have found a home where I can speak my mind unfettered. Thank you all for a wonderful experience!

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15 years 4 months ago #5407 by Aftermidnight
Wow, your house has ghosts! Have you seen them or have you heard stories? Do you about any of them as (ex-) people?
And it's good to see you supporting your local goth shop :)
You seem a lovely person.

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15 years 4 months ago #5425 by CorpseQueen
I'd like to paint as well, but I don't go well with colours. You can't do shadings with them as you can with normal pencil, like black lead (I believe?). I've tried, but I don't primarly think in pictures, so I can't get all the details. Abstract drawing is real nice tho... just shading, and see what happenes. Like writing... hm

And I hope there's room for all in the house... but maybe the ghosts doesn't take much place. Guess I couldn't live with ghosts in my house, but spiders are just fine... they keep the other insects out :blush:

My beauty is not the shape of the body,
but the voices in you mind;
the thoughts you can't live without

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15 years 4 months ago #5467 by cemwerewolf
T%he ghosts are a bit of a story . . .

There are five mousey ghosts who are basically always with me. They are former pets who, I guess, really enjoyed their time with me. I can feel them scampering about on my head and shoulders where they often hung out and can often feel their little claws scrabbling up my arms. Sometimes I'll catch fleeting glimpses of them on me as i pass by mirrors.

My other ghost lives in the kitchen. Many years ago when I first moved in with my then boyfriend now husband we lived in an apartment. After the first couple month, I started hearing cupboard doors opening and closing during the night. Then I began waking up to smell the most wonderful dinners being cooked. Soon after I had a dream about a very motherly looking woman in a long dress and an apron in my kitchen. I talked to a friend who has had many ghostly experience and she figured this was the presence in my kitchen. As I am a professional cook and my kitchen is well stock this cooking loving ghost probably gravitated towards me from somewhere since, as far as we know from our questioning, the apartments were the only building ever built there and they were too new for the clothing the woman was wearing to place her in the likely time frame.

She was always a very helpful ghost. Often times I'd find things I needed right at my fingertips and not remember putting them there. She did however, develop a bit of a temper when I started packing up the kitchen for the move to the house we had bought. She started slamming cupboard doors and on a few occassions knocked over containers and made a small mess. So, a few weeks before the move, I made a lovely homemade dinner, lit some candles and burned some herbs as incense. I had my dinner sitting cross legged on the floor and invited her to join us at our new home. A week after we moved I woke up in the middle of the knight to smell a lovely roast beef dinner cooking. Everything has carried on as normal from then on.

My paintings are sort of abstract renderings of Fantasy themes done in blocks of bold colors so shading isn't really an issue for me. I do however do pencil drawing as well which are abundant in shading.

And everyone seems to have enough room for their tastes. Those in cages have spacious ones, he cat has the run of the house, the ghosts can go wherever they want since they're incoporeal . . . My husband and I seem to be the only ones cramped for space. :)

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15 years 4 months ago #5552 by Aftermidnight
Wow, that's a really amazing ghostly experience. It's really sweet you have mousey ghosts as well, they must be comforting. And your cooking ghost! She even followed you to a different house. I'm very impressed :)

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15 years 4 months ago #5615 by cemwerewolf
Well, she's always been a very comforting presence. I really was going to miss her and it was obvious that she was upset with us going. Luckily my friend came up with this wonderful idea to leave her an invitation and she seems very happy here though she doesn't seem to enjoy it when the cat gets on the kitchen counter. There's been a few times I've caught him before he's seen me but before I could go to scold him, he's yowled and gone running for cover like he'd been swatted on the nose or something. I may have a well trained cat yet!:)

And the mice are very comforting indeed. My husband (who usually doesn't believe in such things) actually thinks that they are something like my familiars or a totem animal. Whenever I'm upset if I feel their little feet scurrying about I immediately calm down. I've loved each and every one of my little fur balls very much and it seems that the feeling is mutual.

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