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15 years 4 weeks ago #13307 by EmmaLee28
Languages was created by EmmaLee28
How many languages do you speak and which are they? Which would you like to learn and why? Do you think learning a fictional language (say Tolkien's Elvish for example) is a good or a bad thing? (just questions to get you all talking):P

I'm only wearing black until they invent something darker :)

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15 years 4 weeks ago #13322 by Thurysaz
Replied by Thurysaz on topic Re:Languages
In my country Belgium we have 2 principal languages: French and flemish.

I speak French and English and also some of the Flemish.

Mes hommages.


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15 years 4 weeks ago #13325 by millkins
Replied by millkins on topic Re:Languages
Well since our country splatted up I dunno anymore, but in reality I can speak and read and understand English and Serbian, now I have been learning German for 6 years, I can still only read it, if someone starts speaking it to me I don't understand a bit, like gibberish. I would like to know the ancient languages, Egyptian glyphs, Western runes and so on.
And as far as fictional languages go, why not, it couldn't hurt and I don't think it is in vain.

I can't swim. I can't drive, either. I was going to learn to drive but then I thought, well, what if I crash into a lake?

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15 years 4 weeks ago - 15 years 4 weeks ago #13335 by black_magnolia
Replied by black_magnolia on topic Re:Languages
Let's say I'm fluent in Croatian, English and German. I understand Slovenian but can't really speak it well (my mother is Slovenian but she didn't speak so much Slovenian at home so I didn't pick it up enough to be comfortable with speaking).
I think you could also count in I can speak Serbian as it's similar to Croatian.
I can also read/speak Italian, but my speaking abilities are a bit lacking...
From the dead languages list - Latin, as it's an important part through out my studies.
I'd like to learn French, Japanese and Russian.
I think it's cool to know a made up language like Elvish, but I'd rather learn an extra real language then spend my time on a artificial language that I won't have a real use for.

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
Last edit: 15 years 4 weeks ago by black_magnolia.

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15 years 4 weeks ago #13346 by cemwerewolf
Replied by cemwerewolf on topic Re:Languages
I speak English (pretty badly at times :) ) and know a little bit of French. I'd really like to improve my French as Canada is a bilingual country. I'd also like to learn German as that is where my mom's side is from and I've always wanted to learn Latin. As far as the made up languages go, I think I'd rather like to learn to write them then to speak them. It would be really cool to do inscriptions in these languages on some of my little projects . . .

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15 years 4 weeks ago #13351 by vampirelycanthrope13
Replied by vampirelycanthrope13 on topic Re:Languages
I can speak enough french to survive well in restaurants, on holiday, or to communicate with french people in general. I'm not fluent, but I'm not completely useless either. However my spanish is very basic, eg. where is the swimming pool? and stuff like that just for holidays really.
I'm obviously fluent at english.
I really want to learn japanese, the writing and the language but i never seem to have the time.

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