black_magnolia wrote:Ah, I know it sounds unusual. :huh: When I was still at high-school I only needed to revise a day before, but now at uni it's different because there is much more material that you have to process and it's pretty much impossible to revise that in a couple of days.
Basically, we have lectures at uni, but most of them are pretty useless and essentially too time-consuming, therefore most people decide to self-teach themselves (including me). I found some lectures worthwhile for some exams, but that was because the professors cared enough to make them worthwhile...
Oh..I essentially self-teach myself as it is..But I was hoping uni would give a bit more support, especially with how much we have to pay for 'tuition' now.. :huh: I'm worried about that kind of thing, particularly as my second choice uni (which I'll have to go to if my first choice doesn't want me) has a reputation amongst students for few lectures etc...