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What REALLY annoys you?

14 years 1 month ago #29829 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re: What REALLY annoys you?
black_magnolia wrote:

Envy, I understand your point totally! When I think of Chinese people and food I think how they would eat anything that they can get their hand on etc. :silly: No offence meant.
I'm surprised nobody is saying bad stuff about the Japanese and their excessive whaling...

Grr..The Chinese/Japanese divide in the media reaally pisses me off too. (Oh, and no offence taken, I'm quite proud I come from a culture which wastes basically nothing)

If you head over to Japan, NO, it's not full of pretty, pale-skinned girls who are like the ones you see in the media. The Japanese population pretty much look the same as the Chinese/Malay/Thai population if you head over and have a look, but because of what the Japanese allow and do not allow in the world's media, everyone in the Western world presumes Japanese are pretty, skinny and eat sushi all day, and that all Chinese are dark-skinned, slit-eyed and eat dogs or something.. There was a general negative British presentation of the Chinese in the media for a long while as well, until suddenly they're our best friends economically and outdoing us in charitable work. Ohh. Surprise surprise, suddenly the media isn't so harsh on China!

Most people who are Japan fanatics simply ignore the fact that the culture is extremely paedophillic and that the Asian people you see in the media are generally bloody models. There are plenty of pretty Chinese actresses etc. which get into the Western media too, however, the Chinese are more broadly spread across the world whereas the Japanese are not, therefore people see more of the 'less model-like' Chinese and don't see the 'less model-like' Japanese because the Japanese tend to stay around Hawaii/Japan..

>.> When people tend to ask whether I'm Japanese or not, I tend to ignore my slightly Japanese bloodline and just tell them I'm Chinese, because I am, and I don't bloody fit into the dark-skinned, slit-eyed, dog-eating stereotype. Hmph.

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14 years 1 month ago #29836 by Kuroboshi
The thing that annoys me most? Americans \"correcting\" my spelling with Americanisms.

Pretty much anything to do with moronic modifictations to the English language, I can stand \"u\" \"idk\" etc... Because yeah, they're not too bad, what I can't stand is anything that enlongates a work unnecessarily, you're just wasting time and it's very annoying to look at.

This is a bit of an annoyance to me but also partially amusing, the word \"wifey/wifie\" (I've seen both used for the meaning and they sound the same so I'm lumping them together) to mean \"girlfriend\", hell, it's a word that's been in use in Scotland for decades. My gran uses it and she's over 60. The amusing thing? If they knew the meaning of the word in Scotland, they'd likely stop using it as it's pretty insulting. Say we don't know the name of a woman, generally an older one, we'd use the word \"wifey\". Not exactly a very good connotation it has, huh? Though that may just be annoying to me. :D

Anyway, language rants aside...

People who refuse to actually take in another person's argument in favour of pushing their own. I try to remain respectful though when someone immediately knocks down my view with no real points beyond what they've already stated, it just gets on my nerves, I like to have some reasoned discussion but it just annoys me if they're repeating the same argument again and again, albeit, slightly reworded.

Hypocrites. Yeah, this is pretty self-explanatory. If you expect me to accept your views, show them through your actions.

This may trod on a few feet but...Anyone who takes their religion as an absolute and won't hear otherwise. This includes very outspoken atheists, they can be just as bad as the people who they are deeming idiots. The Primary Schools I went to? (Attended one from P1-near the end of P4 and another from near the end of P4-P7, final year there, moved due to excessive bullying, won't say I was perfect, I do have 1 amusing memory) well this first I can't remember too much about religion being forced upon us but the second? Yeah, this may not seem bad but it's just annoying, at Christmas and Easter, maybe some other times too, we were basically forced to go to Church. I can't remember a permission slip, merely a note saying they were taking us to the Church on X-date. Perhaps my memory is a bit screwed but we were kids. I always hated when we had to go to Church. Two kids in my class got out of it due to being a different religion but as a kid I wasn't bothered about God or any of that crap. (Apologies to anyone I may have offended there) I was just a kid and bored out of my nut (head). That's the main thing that swore me off religion for life, being forced as a kid to go to Church several times a year.

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14 years 1 month ago - 14 years 1 month ago #29854 by Morgana
Replied by Morgana on topic Re: What REALLY annoys you?
It doesn't take much to set me off lately... not sure why, but I know I could write for days on this topic!

But in general, stupid people really annoy me. Whether it's someone doing something dumb (and dangerous!) when driving; idiots in the grocery store who think they're the only one there and are free to drive their cart however they like; people on message boards who can't string a coherent sentence together (present company excluded, of course).

There was something on the news the other night about possible school closures, and a parent was interviewed. She said that smaller classes are important to young children to give them a good foundation, and \"if they ain't got that then they ain't got nothin'\". Proving her own point there, I thought...

But unfortunately, you can't enforce common sense.
Last edit: 14 years 1 month ago by Morgana.

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14 years 1 month ago #29874 by nwbevk
Replied by nwbevk on topic Re: What REALLY annoys you?
Basically the same goes for me- stupid people. I'll never claim to being the brightest bulb, but a shred of common sense can go such a long way. Though I do love when the stupidity is to the point of halarity. Like when I was working in the walmart bakery, and the meat department manager walked by shaking his head. Had just gotten a complaint that the huge holiday ham that was on sale, tasted like pork chops when the buyer cooked it. I laughed for at least a full 15 minutes.

Also, though I know it's not their fault and I'll be there someday myself, the old people around here. It's one thing to respect your elders, it's another for the ones you don't know to just be rude. And locally half of them should not be allowed to have a drivers license if they can't do at least 5 mph under the posted speed limit. The 55 sign does not mean go 40. And half of the accidents are because they can't see, or forget to look.

There's lots of little other things that annoy to, but most often they only become a problem when they pile up on each other. One nothing plus another nothing, maybe two or three more equals horribly annoyed.

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14 years 1 month ago #29902 by nwbevk
Replied by nwbevk on topic Re: What REALLY annoys you?
Today reminded me of another thing. Does anyone else have the problem of waiting to get something, no matter what your reason for waiting is, and when you finally go with intentions to get said something, it's gone? Happens to me almost every time. Sometimes I wait cause I just don't have enough money, or I do but don't want to make myself broke right away, or maybe a Christmas or Birthday are comming up and I don't want to buy it incase someone already did for me. Then I decide to go for it, and the item isn't there any more, and no one else picked one up for me either. *sigh* While it does save me from spending the money on it, I still get majorly annoyed. Missed out on two items today. Grrrr.

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14 years 1 month ago #29913 by black_magnolia
nwbevk wrote:

Today reminded me of another thing. Does anyone else have the problem of waiting to get something, no matter what your reason for waiting is, and when you finally go with intentions to get said something, it's gone? Happens to me almost every time. Sometimes I wait cause I just don't have enough money, or I do but don't want to make myself broke right away, or maybe a Christmas or Birthday are comming up and I don't want to buy it incase someone already did for me. Then I decide to go for it, and the item isn't there any more, and no one else picked one up for me either. *sigh* While it does save me from spending the money on it, I still get majorly annoyed. Missed out on two items today. Grrrr.

Oh, I know how you feel! I also get annoyed when I miss out on something that I wanted to buy, but mostly that happens to me when I get overbid on ebay or I miss an auction or something. I usually try to keep away from shops just not to get tempted into buying something... :blush:

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And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

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