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15 years 1 month ago #11940 by Thurysaz
Cats... was created by Thurysaz
Bonsoir sisters & brothers members of TOOA,

Do you like cats?

I speak of this little devil, spoiled rotten, that invades our sofa ... and we just annoying in intimate moments :angry: ...

Mes hommages.

T. :P

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15 years 1 month ago #11942 by black_magnolia
Replied by black_magnolia on topic Re:Cats...
I love cats. I have 5 at home, well in the garden, but they rule the whole street. XD
We leave them food under the entrance stairs, so if they aren't around, their friends know to come and eat. Just today, I examined our neighbour's big 'bad' Persian sneaking his way to the food dish. It's so obvious he knows he's not supposed to eat here - he keeps looking under the parked cars and all around himself if one of my cats is around. lol I know they are friends as I see them often sunbathing together. :)

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

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15 years 1 month ago #11944 by SkieShauphen
Replied by SkieShauphen on topic Re:Cats...
I've got two little white bundles of perfection. They are my babies, and while sometimes annoying, I still love em to death.

Meaning comes from within.

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15 years 1 month ago #11947 by scootiebee
Replied by scootiebee on topic Re:Cats...
I have one regular cat (well, he is actually my cat), and one foster cat. She showed up at our house on Christmas eve, and since we were having ice that night, I couldn't leave her outside. She has been in here since then, though, because nobody has responded to my \"Found Cat\" fliers that I have posted all around my area. We are going to have to find her a new home, because she HATES my regular cat, Morgan. Morgan is a goof. He has extra toes on all his feet, and he attacks your legs every time your feet touch the floor. He is nuts, but we love him.

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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15 years 1 month ago #11964 by necie1286
Replied by necie1286 on topic Re:Cats...
we have 4 cats. one cailo female and we brothers whom are white and black/gray. we used to have the boy's mother but we had to give her away.

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15 years 1 month ago #11968 by cemwerewolf
Replied by cemwerewolf on topic Re:Cats...
I have a bundle of fur that goes by the name of Shade and he's absolutely adorable. But don't tell him that or he'll try to use his cuteness to get out of trouble. It's amazind how well a cat can express a thought with a look. \"But you can't be mad at me. I'm so cute!\"

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