From the fragmentary archeological, apocryphal, anecdotal and historical evidence assembled so far to date, we present here the known history of the lineage of The Alchemist.
Born of The Genesis in the Garden of Eden, Amzer, the immortal 'Alchemist', underwent countless metamorphic stages throughout time. Destined by momentous divine intervention, inexorably, The Alchemist was to play many a covert and pivotal role in the influence of the history of the World.

c. 3, 980 - 3, 850 BC AMZER
The sole male offspring of the fated union between Adam and his first partner, Lilith; after being banished from the Garden of Eden by Adam and ostracized by Lilith, the outcast was baptised Amzer, by Yahweh; God The Creator, made an Immortal and charged with 'The Mission', or 'The Fifth Way', (Modus Quintus). |
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The unknown, 4th Century founder and cryptocrat, the all-powerful recondite ruler of the forthcoming, mighty Egyptian Empire. Around 3,300 B.C a leading Chaldean elder emigrated to the Nile Valley and behind King Menes, became the innominate cardinal influence in the unification of Egypt. The pyramids were erected and the culture flourished; yet this undercover Quabbalist was never to be recorded. This unparalleled, recondite patriarch lived on for many centuries in arcane power, creating the momentum of supreme Egyptian expansion and intellectual development. He was the guiding force behind the great Pharaohs, until his mortal interment at Thebes, deep in a tomb somewhere in the Valley of the Kings. Tutalchamen was in fact the first, (and not Thutmose I), by over a thousand years to have had a tomb constructed here, around 2100 BC and which is said to have been a wondrous celestial observatory. This great treasure has, of course, never been discovered. |
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Champion of the Britons, Artorius Verus, (Latin, meaning 'the real Arthur'), was the true identity of this legendary mortal phenomena, the Celtic, tribal warrior-chieftain who, with his awesome power of leadership and his uniquely inspired cavalry raiding tactics, tenaciously fought back the inexorable Saxon invasion of Albion. Artorius's achievements went down in British folk history to emerge again in the 12th century as the History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth, illumined still further in 1470 by Malory in his Le Morte d'Arthur, as the legendary Arthur of Camelot. |
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c. 1100 -1400 The Dark Fool
The Dark Fool was more commonly recognised as a court jester; the idiot and the entertainer of the mediaeval, royal or baronial halls and castles. In the Middle Ages, the fool was, paradoxically, the most privileged and most clever of all the members of the Royal court. His entitlement to go anywhere unchallenged and unheeded, and behave however he wished without question, gave him enormous insight, power and influence. Contrary to his half-witted appearance, there was nothing about which the fool did not know or understand. The Dark Fool is the observer and the conclusion of everything. He is, as the Major Arcana of the Tarot observes, fate itself. |
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Seen here in his laboratory around c. 1350, in the famous picture, 'In Search of the Black Rose'.From the ancient origins of Albion, through the pagan groves of time, evolved the warlords and the mystics and the kings and the clerics, who forged the course of history in the Northlands. From them came the acolytes and the emergence of one of the most powerful forces in Dark Age Britain….The Alchemist.
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The accredited and esoteric Tudor/Stuart, science-based occultist and 'Privy Invisible Metaphysician' to Queen Elizabeth, seen here in his "temple of discovery and enlightenment".
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A notoriously efficient and elusive highwayman; the body of William Spencer lies beneath the crossroads at which he was executed on the gallows on 'Jan'y 5th 1729, aged 31', on the desolate London road to Winchester. His spectre however, continued to terrorize the unworthy for a further 21 years.
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The following extract has been taken from a manuscript penned by Farthing himself and understood to be the introduction to his lost and unpublished treatise on the holy bloodline, the Sangraal Germanus. Alexander Farthing was the notably eccentric, if not deranged founder and Chief Librarian of the astonishing bibliotheca of Chalisbury from 1714, when a certain John Erskine sponsored the establishment of both the library and Farthing's raison dêtre. His sudden, strange and unexplained disappearance in February 1746 caused much speculation within the circles of intelligentsia of the United Kingdom.
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Do you want to know the secret of life itself? Do you believe in Post Mortem Cognitive Transfer? Have you ever heard of the Induction Principle? Did history include you in its teachings of the existence of the very venerable Dr Von Rosenstein? Enter an ancient stone tower amidst the wretched squalor of the Viennese back street hovels on a black storm-lashed night. Step down, into the place where magic and the arts were turned into…The Art of Science.
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The name Magistus is anciently derived from the Latin words magister; master or chief, and magus; priest, sorcerer or wise man. Count Albrecht Magistus, according to legend, was mysteriously born into an ancient, noble family of unblemished lineage, some time during the early C18th, on the borders of Bavaria and Bohemia, (Germany and the Czech Republic). The family's ancestral home was the isolated Castle Ambix, well hidden in the mountains of the Bohmerwald Forrest. Curiously, he is said to have died, (or possibly been reborn), on 31st October 1864. He became a well-known and misunderstood aristocratic figure in late Victorian London society, where he held property in Highgate, when he was rumoured to have dealings with the underworld and feared to have vampiric tendencies. According to the Magistus family tradition, the Count was an avatar of the Apocryphal Amzer, illegitimate son of Adam and Lilith, and counts amongst his long lineage an alchemist during the Middle Ages. The ancient family always claimed, (generally regarded somewhat fancifully), that their eternal mission was to guard the legendary Holy Grail, sometimes being interpreted as the Bloodline of the Messiah. At the time of Queen Victoria, this was rumoured to depend upon preventing the takeover of the western world by a strain of iniquitous vampires. He is believed to have brought to a decisive climax a long running feud with the notorious Dracula.
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The Whitechapel Messiah was a euphemism for the better-known sobriquet 'Jack the Ripper', used by a few, either highly intuitive theosophists or else those privy to the climactic and highly suppressed threat dominating politics and the civilised world at the time. The Victorian London, Whitechapel murders were amongst the most devastating, gruesome and bewildering crimes ever committed, and were never, officially, solved. Well… It wasn't Jack, and they were no ordinary ladies of the night.
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Beneath the glittering surface of the Empire’s glorious expansion and its magnificent scientific, technical and industrial achievements, a dark storm was brewing. Imperial powers around the globe smouldered and a cataclysmic eruption looked unavoidable. Unknown to the world in general however, a Titanic, clandestine struggle was being performed by a strange coalition of inventors, industrialists and dark, unsung heroes, in the vain attempt at avoiding the otherwise inevitable armageddon of The Great War. Paramount to success of this endeavour was the Black Baron. The heroic, lone flying ace and irregular of the RFC. Who, with the aid of E.E. Rosenstein's applied scientific wonders, almost single-handedly conquered the skies.
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c 500 BC St. Levantius
From ancient Hebrew legend, Levantius is the apocryphal guardian of sacred doorways and slayer of the loathsome demon Avaridel. Also now supported by a hitherto unidentified image on a portion of a 1st century ostracon, an inscribed pottery shard, found at Masada in 1893, and what is now believed to be a written reference to Levantius in the Dead Sea Scrolls, on one of the fragments from the Enoch found in the fourth of the caves near Qumran.
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The Ancient cult-warrior God of the Saxons and later the Vikings, who, with his raven's wings, would fly above the carnage in the fields of battle, seeking out the brave amongst them to inspire with ferocity and valour, with the promise of a glorious, immortal life in the Halls of Valhalla for those that died a heroes death.
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From around the 12th Century and on throughout the Mediaeval, Renaissance and later periods, a powerful belief in, and fear of the Reaper commonly existed. His dispassionate duty was…is, a pragmatic and egalitarian necessity. The inevitable destiny of mortal man inexorably shadows his journey through life, until they finally meet at the dark crossroads, to become one. Known ambiguously in the past as the Grim Reaper or Death, the philosophical arbitrator of man's imperious fate to Chthonia, the underworld, is in fact, the Grim Sage. To his impartial wisdom and guidance do we owe our final subjection. Heed his omega call, for his sapience is true.
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Named after his increasingly predictable annual appearance at evening times during the two-day All Souls Fair, held since mediaeval times on the first weekend of every August at Chalisbury. The apparition of The Chandler and his ever growing entourage of exotic travellers and merchants, was first seen at the fair after the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and then seemed to disappear from public sightings at around the time of the young Queen Victoria's reign. In one year in the late 17th century, a printed notice was seen by many unnerved attendees of the fair, pinned to the outside of the city gates, and reading: 'Salve!
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The incessant and vociferous activity of this enigmatic spectral manifestation, has for as long as can be remembered, been haunting the site and the very fabric of old Alembic Hall, whose origins date back beyond the bronze age. This spirit, or metaphysical beingwas last seen by an unnamed cleric from the surrounding area, who it is said became a deaf mute and retired into seclusion.
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