Balkan Revenant’s Cross: Also known as Crux Orthodoxa, the Eastern Orthodox Cross, and as a variant of the Greek Orthodox or Patriarchal Cross. It is most often seen in Russia, Ukraine and other Slavic countries. Traditionally, the top beam is inscribed with ‘Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews’, as well as its Latin abbreviation (INRI) and Russian abbreviation (INBI). It is believed that the slanted lower bar represents the footrest upon which Jesus’ feet were nailed; reflecting the repentant thief and the unrepentant thief that were crucified alongside him. The penitent criminal to the right ascending into heaven, while the unapologetic man to his left falls into the fires of hell, as well as eternal separation from God. As such, it is also meant to serve as a reminder of the Final Judgement.
Balkan Revenant’s Cross
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