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13 years 9 months ago #24015 by Thurysaz
A story about vampires from Guillermo Del Toro.

Mes hommages.


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13 years 9 months ago #24021 by Envy
Well..Finished reading 'Othello' and now back to re-reading 'Wuthering Heights' and notes on interpretations etc. of various aspects of both books.

:( Dammit. I had actually forgotten the ending to 'Othello' until I read it again. Ignorance is bliss!

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13 years 9 months ago #24048 by Morgana
Right now I'm reading a collection of short stories called Alchemy and Academe, compiled by Anne McCaffrey. Some of them are pretty good, nothing terribly scary so far though. I need to go book shopping very soon... I've read everything in the house at least once now.

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13 years 9 months ago #24049 by Daruma
Le syndrome Copernic of Henri Loevenbruck :cheer:

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13 years 9 months ago #24053 by Thurysaz
it is! I found the translation of the English title of the book i read. Is \"the strain\".

Mes hommages.


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13 years 9 months ago #24069 by Envy
Well..The other half of my family came back from the US and had bought a few books for me from the Barnes and Noble store in Seattle.

My mother remembered the topic of my history course incorrectly and bought me a book about the civil war in America. Doesn't bother me really, I'll read it anyway.

My brother bought me some very odd book indeed. \"The Manga Guide to Physics\". That one should be interesting. :woohoo: Which reminds me. I'd like to get hold of manga versions of Shakespeare's plays..

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