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14 years 2 months ago #16922 by Envy
Weddings. was created by Envy
:P Well, I thought this might help us stay on topic. The idea floated into my head after hearing Knumpcy's wonderful news.

What are your views on marriage and what is your vision of a 'dream wedding', if any?

We might've touched upon the subject in other topics..I can't quite remember..But I've always wanted something like a masquerade ball for part of a wedding or at least, something themed..E.g. A Victorian or Shakespearean wedding, where everyone would have to dress accordingly.


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14 years 2 months ago #16927 by scootiebee
Replied by scootiebee on topic Re:Weddings.
Since I am married, and have been for more than 12 years, I have to say I look on it favorably! :)

But I think I had just about the ideal wedding. We got married at the courthouse, but all dressed up in a tux and traditional wedding gown. People on the street outside kept making smart comments like \"where are you going all dressed up?\" or \"Are you getting married?\" Yes, that's what the flowers are for, duh!

Then we went to my friend's house, where she had arranged a very informal party. it turned into a chili cook-off, and we all went back the next day to finish a keg of beer. Not exactly a typical wedding, but my friends are still jealous that they didn't think of it, and they all agree it was the most fun wedding they ever went to.

Highly recommend the informal gathering. And they say that the length of a marriage is inversely proportional to the cost of the wedding. I.e., cheaper wedding/longer marriage! Strange, my first marriage only lasted a year and a half, and it cost 10 times what our little gathering did!

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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14 years 2 months ago #16964 by Morgana
Replied by Morgana on topic Re:Weddings.
I've been married almost 10 years, since July 2000. We were living out west at the time, and had a vacation home to the east coast booked, and just decided spur of the moment to get married. Everyone was sure I was pregnant because we'd been together for 10 years before that, but that wasn't the reason at all.

My husband and I both come from large-ish families, and rather than have to decide who to invite and who to upset, we didn't invite any of them. We got married by a justice of the peace in a gazebo in my mom's yard, with his parents, and my mother and grandmother there. Each of our mothers had a get together at their house in the days following, for any of the family that wanted to drop by. Our rings cost about $15 each, and are silver dragons. I wore a pretty sundress that I already owned, and he wore jeans and a nice shirt.

Scootibee, I totally agree with your theory regarding length of marriage vs. cost of ceremony, as it seems to be playing out for me. I just can't believe that people will spend tens of thousands of dollars just for one day out of their lives! Imagine what you could do with all that money... take a vacation, buy a car, put a down payment on a house... all those are much better use of the cash, if you ask me.

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14 years 2 months ago #16975 by black_magnolia
Replied by black_magnolia on topic Re:Weddings.
I also agree with Scootibee on the length of marriage vs. cost of ceremony theory.
I naturally can't conclude than from my own experience (I'm not married and don't plan to for the next 10 years or so), but from my parents example. They got married at court 22 years ago; my mum wore a nice white-blue blouse with a blue knee-length skirt and dad a simple grey suit. They had some family and friends with them in court, basically the people that were in town and could come and be present, and later on they had dinner at my grandparents place (mom's side).
I don't have any idea about how I wish my wedding to be, I just didn't pay any though to it till now, but I think something simple will do the trick. :)

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

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14 years 2 months ago #16985 by scootiebee
Replied by scootiebee on topic Re:Weddings.
Our whole wedding, including the cost of my dress, the rings (which were the most expensive things, celtic knots from Walker Metalsmiths), the cake, flowers, food, a keg of beer, and invitations, everything, was less than $600. We invited about 40 people, and it was extravagant for us. The money we saved bought a new dining room table and a honeymoon to Williamsburg, Virginia. We will have been married 13 years in September. Lucky 13! Oddly, we unknowingly got married on Talk Like A Pirate Day.

I love it, though. Truly is the best. I have some friends who have been engaged forever, and can't decided on how and when to get married to appease their families. They keep confessing to us that they want to do what we did, but their families would not approve. Sad, that anyone would be made to feel they have to put on an expensive display to prove they love each other. Harumph.

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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14 years 2 months ago #17536 by Diablesseska
Replied by Diablesseska on topic Re:Weddings.
Since my friend are all getting married one by one.. I cherish a dream..

It's to find a man who love you so much that he would let you know by giving you an engagement ring.. and some years later he would be able to show this love to all your friend and family..
And also, when you have kids, getting married is a way to protect them..

For the ideal wedding.. Im just dreaming of feeling like a princess heheh

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