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What's in the news?

13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #28583 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re: What's in the news?
nwbevk wrote:

Our local big news after the storm, the Minnisota Vikings stadium dome collapsed under the weight of the snow. Was suppost to be a game tonight. Was \"cancled due to weather conditions\"....

:P That news reached us this morning and we're in the UK. It seems everywhere is snowed in apart from us..Probably because my city's actually at the bottom of a valley (doesn't look or feel like it at all, but apparently we are) so we're protected from most extreme weather.

The images are just astounding! :woohoo: Makes me wonder how our 'Millennium Dome' hasn't caved in on itself yet.
Last edit: 13 years 5 months ago by Envy.

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13 years 4 months ago #29389 by nwbevk
Replied by nwbevk on topic Re: What's in the news?
Have any of you heard about the birds and fish in Arkansas and Louisiana? Incase not it's been online and just on tv recently about a large number of birds droping out of the air dead at the same time with blunt force trauma to their organs, was on new years eve so they're guessing fireworks, but 'tests are inconclusive', and in a different town thousands of fish, of just one species, went belly up in the water at once. The fish they say is a natural occurance and has happened before. Both of those were in Arkansas. Then just yesterday another big group of birds did the same as the first, but in Louisiana, and still the same 'inconclusive' results, and blaming fireworks... Unless the town or person was having a private celebration, there shouldn't have been any fireworks going off yesterday. Really wierd and scarry stuff going on down there. I'd say makes me glad I'm up here, but it's two states already, who knows what's gonna happen from here.

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13 years 4 months ago #29393 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re: What's in the news?
:pinch: Hm. Strange. It sounds coincidental to me - Masses of fish go belly-up usually due to contamination causing a lack of oxygen/or them ingesting stuff they're not compatible with in the water (or it can occur naturally through overloads of algae stealing the oxygen I seem to recall)..It's usually that or bacterial..

As for the birds. :S Eep. I'd have thought they'd have reflexes that are fast enough to avoid things like fireworks in the sky..Plus by the time fireworks are being set off, aren't most birds off to roost and hide away for the night?

That story hasn't reached us yet.

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13 years 4 months ago #29401 by black_magnolia
I also haven't heard about it, but I haven't been watching or reading any news becasue I'm studying...
Doesn't really sound like something our news would bother with featuring if there is enough interesting local stuff...

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13 years 4 months ago #29420 by nwbevk
Replied by nwbevk on topic Re: What's in the news?
Now the news people are telling us the second batch of birds \"flew into power lines and shocked themselves to death\"... I don't know about the rest of the world, but in my town birds tend to perch on power lines.
And great point Envy, the birds should have been in their nests for the night, to my knowledge only owls are out at night, though I could be mistaken. And for the fish if the water was contaminated, shouldn't it have affected more than one species? Or perhaps the one was just more sensitive to changes than the others?

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13 years 4 months ago #29423 by black_magnolia
Regarding the fish, some species are more sensitive then others, so it could have been a ton of reasons...
Regarding the birds, even a man that would fall on a power line would theoretically survive if he didn't touch the ground or other item connected to it and so close the circuit... :woohoo: Pieces of news like that make me wonder if you have to have a brain at all if you are a journalist?

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