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The meaning of dreams

14 years 3 months ago #15797 by scootiebee
Replied by scootiebee on topic Re:The meaning of dreams
ugh. I hate beetles. I would have done the same, probably went and put disinfectant all over my belly button too.

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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14 years 3 months ago #15832 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re:The meaning of dreams
millkins wrote:

I am sorry for the double posting but I have to share this insanity, I was dreaming I had a large beetle's nest in my bellybutton and I was taking the beetles out, they were abnormally large and dead....I woke up and immediately took a bath...I am still under the influence, I can only imagine what would have happened if they were alive :X

:ohmy: Eep! That reminds me of a show on one of the digital channels here..It's called \"Monsters inside me\" and it's all about parasites on/in humans. >.< It's not that pretty to watch, but out of curiosity I end up watching anyway. Like a horror movie.

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14 years 3 months ago #15850 by cemwerewolf
I keep dreaming about an empty mouse cage. I wake up so upset that I go sleep on the couch in the livingroom so that I can listen to my little furball scurrying around in the night. I hope these dreams aren't foreshadowing anything . . .

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14 years 3 months ago #15864 by millkins
Replied by millkins on topic Re:The meaning of dreams

I hope these dreams aren't foreshadowing anything . . .

I often fear that my bad dreams are a warning so I am on the tip of my toes. But as someone already advised me here they are unique and yours so what they mean for you is the most important and in the most subjective way best understood. So I lay my hopes with yours that it was just a brain fart (that's how I started labeling my dreams that made no sense)

That reminds me of a show on one of the digital channels here..It's called \"Monsters inside me\" and it's all about parasites on/in humans. >.< It's not that pretty to watch, but out of curiosity I end up watching anyway. Like a horror movie.

Yep I watched them too at one point and they were better than many \"horror\" movies I have watched :P

I can't swim. I can't drive, either. I was going to learn to drive but then I thought, well, what if I crash into a lake?

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14 years 3 months ago #15869 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re:The meaning of dreams
millkins wrote:

I hope these dreams aren't foreshadowing anything . . .

I often fear that my bad dreams are a warning so I am on the tip of my toes. But as someone already advised me here they are unique and yours so what they mean for you is the most important and in the most subjective way best understood. So I lay my hopes with yours that it was just a brain fart (that's how I started labeling my dreams that made no sense)

That reminds me of a show on one of the digital channels here..It's called \"Monsters inside me\" and it's all about parasites on/in humans. >.< It's not that pretty to watch, but out of curiosity I end up watching anyway. Like a horror movie.

Yep I watched them too at one point and they were better than many \"horror\" movies I have watched :P

Hah! I guess the fear comes from knowing it's real, unlike with a horror movie. :P It was all US cases though, so that makes me feel a bit safer over here in the UK. ;)

Brain fart..Haha.. :woohoo: What a term.

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14 years 3 months ago #15903 by scootiebee
Replied by scootiebee on topic Re:The meaning of dreams
I have seen a show like that, about parasites inside us, and it had cases from all over the world, with an emphasis on the \"tropical\" areas of the world, where a lot of parasites can apparently be picked up. Ick.

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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