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14 years 4 months ago #13542 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re:jealousy.
millkins wrote:

One of my ex-es was jelous at me too and told me \"I can do anything that you can do with a bit of technical training\" at first it got me down and struck my confidence and after maybe a few hours of thinking and arguing I sent him to the deepest depths of hell and left, I can't believe I acctually doubted he was right. :angry:

:huh: I had similar problems. My ex said that \"women should not be given positions of power. They'll just abuse it because they're too emotional.\"

That was it really. He believed he could do anything I could..Even claimed he \"could solve the credit crunch if he knew what caused it\"! I wasn't going to hang around and be his slave for the rest of my life..He was so ignorant..

It was rich coming from someone who was not in education, training or employment and had not been since the age of..What..15? Bah.

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14 years 4 months ago #13569 by scootiebee
Replied by scootiebee on topic Re:jealousy.
Really? Strange how someone can not even have a job, but claim to be able to solve all sorts of problems. Maybe he would be taken seriously if he proved it! :)

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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14 years 4 months ago #13575 by CorpseQueen
Replied by CorpseQueen on topic Re:jealousy.
Envy wrote:

millkins wrote:

One of my ex-es was jelous at me too and told me \"I can do anything that you can do with a bit of technical training\"

:huh: I had similar problems. My ex said that \"women should not be given positions of power. They'll just abuse it because they're too emotional.\"

I remember a little comic about the latter, a girl wondering why women aren't presidents and such as often, an concluded it whit blaming PMS, with the example \"Mrs President, shall we negotiate?\" \"Like hell, blow them up!\"
It's just a funny thing, but I don't believe emotions will ever be bad. Loss of emotions is what creates cruel dictators, in a sense. Or maybe blame too many emotions? Anyway, how many girls strarted a world war? Compared to men?

And back to subject... My boy is pretty jealous, but it's understandable. He's had one girl before me, and she turned lesbian. He's just had a tough life, and therefore protective and paranoid. He's getting better tho, as I've been talking to him a lot and such (I can use much more revealing clothes now), and I still love him, even tho it can get on my nerves.
But in the end, it's always nice to know that he would hurt anyone very badly, if they even thought about doing something bad with me :blush: That way I know I'll always be safe.

My beauty is not the shape of the body,
but the voices in you mind;
the thoughts you can't live without

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14 years 4 months ago #13598 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re:jealousy.
scootiebee wrote:

Really? Strange how someone can not even have a job, but claim to be able to solve all sorts of problems. Maybe he would be taken seriously if he proved it! :)

Yes! Exactly! He was so very ignorant it was unbearable. Like an ant claiming it can lift mountains.

Admittedly, it's nice to have partners a little bit jealous and protective..A comfort thing I guess. You know they'll come to your aid if someone seems to be getting *too friendly*..And you'll know they won't go off searching for a new partner behind your back if they're focused on keeping you. :woohoo: Works both ways too.

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14 years 4 months ago #13631 by millkins
Replied by millkins on topic Re:jealousy.
You probably wont believe this (as stupid as it sounds) but this guy started trying to copy my life a bit before and a lot after that, he was at the top of a small hosting company then and he started to take photography lessons and was working for some time as a web designer :S that is how obsessed ppl can get. I am sorry now for him and feel bad (but I dunno why, his choice).

Maybe I am overemotional as a woman, but I am grateful for the feelings, met people who crave for them and who have went numb because of various things, or just claim to have forgotten how to feel, I dunno it sounds surreal to me, a bit hard to believe.

I can't swim. I can't drive, either. I was going to learn to drive but then I thought, well, what if I crash into a lake?

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14 years 4 months ago #13634 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re:jealousy.
millkins wrote:

You probably wont believe this (as stupid as it sounds) but this guy started trying to copy my life a bit before and a lot after that, he was at the top of a small hosting company then and he started to take photography lessons and was working for some time as a web designer :S that is how obsessed ppl can get. I am sorry now for him and feel bad (but I dunno why, his choice).

Maybe he looked up to you or saw your life as more fulfilling than his, secretly? At times I'm jealous of little, silly things about my partners..Like how my current partner can eat all he wants and still remain ever-so thin and underweight..At times I would like to have my partner's academic life, but that's only because it would've been my life had I not chosen to go the other route and take other subjects..If that makes sense..

I liked art and computing..But my parents both told me different things..And I ultimately listened to my mother and went for the more academic route instead of my father who prefers the more art-sy route in life.

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