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What makes you goth?

14 years 11 months ago #16000 by scootiebee
Replied by scootiebee on topic Re:What makes you goth?
I agree, Dark Romantic sounds better, and more accurately descriptive. The word \"Goth\" today has so many various interpretations that it doesn't really describe to modern culture very well. Dark Romantic, I like that, and it fits.

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

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14 years 11 months ago #16021 by Thurysaz
Replied by Thurysaz on topic Re:What makes you goth?
What make me Goth? This f***** society!

Mes hommages.


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14 years 11 months ago #16047 by Morgana
Replied by Morgana on topic Re:What makes you goth?
Thanks for the info, raidohaglaz. That was a good description of how the word \"Goth\" has changed throughout the years.

And I agree with Dark Romantic as well... much more descriptive!

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14 years 11 months ago #16054 by black_magnolia
I also agree with raidohaglaz on the history of Goths.
Goths with a big G = Visigoths + Ostrogoths (it's with a capital letter because it's a name of a tribe); goths with a small g = members of the goth subculture. It's easy like that. Goths like we know them now, as a subculture (and yes, we are one, don't let your egos run lose) is fairly a new subculture with it's beginnings in the early 1980s.

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

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14 years 11 months ago #16061 by Kyle87
Replied by Kyle87 on topic Re:What makes you goth?
true the current subculture is very new, but people who believe the sames as the Goths, Goth religion is from thousands of years ago, before christianity and even jewish religion.

but i do like Dark Romantic too, very..there.. if u get my meaning

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14 years 11 months ago #16064 by raidohaglaz
Replied by raidohaglaz on topic Re:What makes you goth?
Kyle87 wrote:

true the current subculture is very new, but people who believe the sames as the Goths, Goth religion is from thousands of years ago, before christianity and even jewish religion.

Ah, you are talking about paganism. :)
Heathenry is a little out of the way of the goth subculture. True, there are a lot of goths interested in the occult and obscure religions and rituals, but calling them one and the same is not correct. To begin with, there are enough goths (sans capital G, thank you, Black Magnolia) who aren't pagan, but rather Christian, Jewish, agnostic, atheïst and the list goes on. Also, numerous pagans are not goth.
Also, the Jews are probably a bit older then the Goths, so their religion probably is too. Maybe not like it is in its current form, but the ethnic religion of the Jews certainly is.
The Goths are simply an offshoot of the Germanic tribes, who in turn descended from the Celts, and beyond that we go even further back into the realms of 'perhapsology' and 'probablyism' to our Indo-European roots, Aryan migrations from Asia and gods know what other manufactured theories the scientists have come up with. Half of those are taken from archaeology, the other half from backwards engineering languages.

The thing is, Germanic heathenry isn't as ancient as most people would like to believe. Yes, it's very old, but not as ancient as some would like you to believe. A few thousand years at best, is my guess. It probably evolved from the Celtic beliefs, taking with it the changing culture and environment. Hell, Odin probably wasn't even the chief god until close to the Viking age.

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