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The impact of music

13 years 8 months ago #33360 by iHauntTheSepulchre
My dad reckons that listening to heavy metal while driving makes you an aggressive driver, my boyfriend listens to metal so very loudly when he's driving and you know what? I've never seen a driver as calm as he is.
Yeah, the effects of music are all down to the opinion of the listener. Perhaps people think that metal and rap make listeners more violent because that how it makes them feel.
As Morgana said, I too have listened to heavy metal since I was old enough to start choosing what I listened to (I actually began liking Alice Cooper when I was just four thanks to a hidden video on a tape dad bought for me). I listen to music that suits my mood - different genres for each mood (except for country and rap :S ) and I love nothing more than to take out my frustrations and anger whilst listening to something really heavy when I need to.

Death's kiss was soft as rose petals...

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13 years 8 months ago #33363 by Serpenvicis
Replied by Serpenvicis on topic Re: The impact of music
When I was arguing with teacher, she said that words in song encourage people, especially kids to be violent. She is religion teacher, and once she even said something like \"listening to metal and rock music is sotonism\". That's when I lost my nervs and started to literally scream at her. :angry:

I think that it depends on one man to another, and that most people don't act violently because of music they listen, but because of they mental status. People who listen metal are quiet people, as much as I know. Others have prejudice. :X

Wanting to be like someone else, we forget who we really are.

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13 years 8 months ago #33364 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re: The impact of music

In all honesty, I rarely pay attention to lyrics in the music I listen to. I focus more on the sounds of things, e.g. I'll pick out an instrument and listen to it or focus on the tone of a vocalist's voice (especially when angry. Focusing on something and concentrating on only that tends to give me breathing space to calm down). I'll only ever pay attention to lyrics if it's obvious a band wants to make them stand out, e.g. in some songs, a vocalist might go from death growls to whispering so the whispered words are the focus, and lyrics in songs like that tend to be pretty sweet and not aggressive at all!


I just generally ignore religious teachers...When they aim to educate, then fine, I shall listen, as it's to learn, but if they come to PREACH nonsense - Well! That's a different story. Not going to indoctrinate me...

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13 years 8 months ago #33365 by black_magnolia
Oh, I'm not at all surprised such a statement came out of the mouth of a religion teacher. :pinch:

Thank God, I didn't take religion classes in elementary school and in high school I opted for ethics classes rather then religion (although the priest that was teaching religion in high-school was absolutely cool and understandable. He even substituted a couple of times for our ethics teacher and never did he preach, while the other religion teacher (who wasn't even a priest) that we had at school was known to preach but I never had the misfortune to have him in class...)

Serpenvicis, I'd recommend that next time you don't even go into a discussion with your religion teacher (count sheep in your head or something). I know those types - you can make a thousand good points but it's no use with those people. And when you end up screaming in the end then they think that they were right all along... It's just a waste of time an nerves.

Ha, if I was at your school I would have probably walked out of class in the middle of the discussion, went to the principle and told how unprofessional the teacher was and then reported that teacher to the ministry of education (an inspection won't kill anyone :whistle: )... ;)

I agree with Envy on the lyrics. I also rarely catch the words out of a song. :woohoo:

To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

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13 years 8 months ago #33384 by Envy
Replied by Envy on topic Re: The impact of music
black_magnolia wrote:

Oh, I'm not at all surprised such a statement came out of the mouth of a religion teacher. :pinch:

Thank God, I didn't take religion classes in elementary school and in high school I opted for ethics classes rather then religion (although the priest that was teaching religion in high-school was absolutely cool and understandable.

:ohmy: We had no choice! Throughout all of compulsory education, we were made to have religious education throughout! Even in higher education which is not compulsory, we had to do at least one year of religious education (the exam was easy. No idea how I got an A* but I practically put 'God' in every sentence several times, made up some stuff and somehow did great).

I'm technically meant to be doing some citizenship qualification this year instead of continuing for a second year of that religious stuff, but I somehow never got put on the class list and just didn't question it. :whistle:

:P Heh. With a teacher like that I'd be tempted to bring in a pair of crappy earphones that leak sound everywhere, stick on some death metal, make sure the teacher hears and pull an ever-so-polite 'Wednesday' smile at her.

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13 years 8 months ago #33385 by Venom84
Replied by Venom84 on topic Re: The impact of music
Thats funny,earphones in R.E classes,i did that in most of my classes,and i didn't get bothered by the teachers at all,think they were intimidated by me.. :P

I'm going to live my life the best i can and how i want to, and if no one likes it i don't care..Lifes too short..xx

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